We have multiple payment options available for our online. While this can be quite confusing, it gives you plenty of options to either pay for item right away, or spread your payments over a set period of time.

Below are more details about our payment options.


This is the most recognised online payment and is widely trusted for secure online transactions. You can pay by credit or debit card, and you don’t need an account to process your payment. PayPal accepts most major credit and debit cards.

Payment sense

This is the same provider as we use for our card machine in-store. It’s a trusted payment provider for secure online transactions.


Buy what you want today, pay for it in four instalments, interest-free. For more information on how Clearpay works, go to clearpay.com


Pay later with Klarna. Choose Klarna at the checkout and pay in full up to 30 days later or split the cost into monthly payments. For more information, visit klarna.com


Use flexible payment plan options to seamlessly automate your payments to suit your budget available in weekly or monthly instalments from 1-12 weeks. Your order will be sent when your plan is complete and paid in full. For more information, visit their website.
